Summer Color Analysis: True, Soft, Light, And Deep Summers

woman enjoying the summer holidays - Summer Color Analysis

Are you looking to elevate your summer wardrobe with colors that complement your skin tone perfectly? In this blog, we delve deep into the world of summer color analysis to help you understand how to make the right color choices for your clothing and accessories during the warm season. Whether you're a light summer or a cool summer, we've got you covered with insights on how to enhance your natural beauty with the perfect hues. Keep reading to discover the best color palettes that suit summer color analysis types.

Table of Contents

What Is Summer Color Analysis

woman sitting on a car - Summer Color Analysis

The Summer palette is soft, cool, smokey, and subtle, extending from deepest charcoal grey and darkest blue spruce tones to softest pinks and powder blues. Summers have cool-toned hair without any warmth, ranging from grey and dark blonde to medium brown. 

Some summers are blonde as children. Summers can have blue, green, aqua, gray, cool black, or soft-hazel eyes. Many summers have a pinkish, reddish, or grayish undertone to their skin. Some famous examples of summers are Olivia Wilde, Kate Middleton, and more.

How To Know If You Are A Summer

woman at a beach - Summer Color Analysis

Summer color analysis is a fascinating way to understand how different seasons can affect color choices and how they can enhance or detract from a person’s features. For instance, summers are often distinguished by their cool undertones and slightly muted appearance. People who fall into the summer color season often look best in silver jewelry rather than gold, embodying a cool and elegant aesthetic.

Deciphering Summer Characteristics

When identifying a summer, it's pivotal to consider their hair color, which typically ranges from medium ashy brown to light ashy blonde or dark ash brown. Notably, the common trait among summers is ashy-colored hair, indicating cooler undertones. Summers usually exhibit light to medium eyes, with shades like light grey, green, grey-brown, grey hazel, blue, or light blue, all of which have grey undertones.

Cool Undertones and Elegant Complexions

In terms of skin tones, summers generally have very light to tan skin with cool undertones, ranging from fair to tan complexions. It's essential to note that summers are predominantly associated with individuals who have slightly pinkish skin tones and cool undertones. These distinctive features make summers stand out as a unique color season with elegant and refined characteristics.

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Summer Color Analysis: True, Soft, Light, and Deep Summers

woman wearing summer cloths - Summer Color Analysis

True Summer

True summers are cool-toned and muted. There is more contrast in a cool summer than a soft or light summer. All of your features will have bluish or beige-ish undertones with no warmth. A true summer’s eyes are always a little bit greyed and are colors such as grey, blue, green, grey-hazel, or grey-brown. 

Your skin will have a beige or blue undertone and you’re fair, light, medium, or tan. Your hair is also very mousy, in shades like dark ash blonde, light ash blonde, medium ash brown, or dark ash brown; there is no warmth in a cool summer’s hair.

Soft Summer

Soft summers are muted and cool-toned. Your features all seem to match and blend together into the masterpiece that is you. This subset features grey, grey-green, grey hazel, and greyish light brown eyes and fair, light, medium, and tan skin tones, each with pink undertones. Your hair will be medium ash blonde, dark ash blonde, light ash brown, or medium ash brown; all of these colors have mousy undertones.

Light Summer

Light summers are pale and cool-toned. Their eyes are light grey, light blue, light azure, or light green. A light summer’s skin tone is neutral or cool with pink or beige undertones in shades such as fair, light, or medium, and the hair color is very light ash blonde, light ash blonde, medium ash blonde, dark ash blonde, or light ash brown. Many light summers were blonde as children but now have brown hair; there is very low contrast between all the features.

Deep Summer

Also known as a Dark Summer or Bright Summer, the most dominant characteristic of Deep Summers is the depth of their look, more than the coolness or lightness of Summer (which they also hold, but to a lesser degree). Deep Summers often look like they might be Winters, with strong coloring and deep brown or grey eyes. 

Hair is often dark, and skin can be any color. Deep Summer falls at the coolest end of the Summer palette, and if you viewed all four seasons as one continuous spectrum of color, then Deep Summer’s colors would fall nearer to Winter than to Summer or Autumn.

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True Summer Color Palette

woman looking happy - Summer Color Analysis

True Summer is known for its coolness and softness, featuring a palette that combines clear blue undertones and mid-range hues. The colors are cool, with no hint of warmth, making blues, turquoises, and greys common in this palette. Cool browns and greyish blues also work well as neutrals, accented by brighter hues like pinks, purples, and greens. When it comes to clothing and makeup, True Summers should opt for cool-toned colors and avoid warm hues.

For clothing, stick to cool blues, greys, and purples as base colors, with accents of pinks and greens. Makeup should focus on soft, cool-toned colors, with pink and berry shades for lips and cheeks, and cool purples and blues for eyes. To enhance the overall look, True Summers can incorporate silver or white gold jewelry for added shine against their cool palette. 

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Soft Summer Color Palette

woman sitting on a chair - Summer Color Analysis

True to Soft Summer's primary color aspect, the colors are muted and gentle to match the low to medium contrast level of this season’s natural coloring.

Desaturated and Cool Tones

The color palette includes desaturated, low-contrast and coolish colors. Most of the colors are greys and blue-based colors with a heavy focus on pinks, purples, blues and greens. The colors are not clear but complex and elusive, almost as if they consisted of many different colors.

Muted Hues with a Hint of Autumn

Soft Summer sits on the border to Autumn. Summer is muted, cool and light. Autumn is also muted. So adding Autumn to Summer makes the Soft Summer palette even more faded. But Autumn also brings warmth, which adds a brownish element to the colors. Autumn also adds depth, and thus, Soft Summer colors are the darkest of the Summer family. Suitable colors in general are cool blues, dusty pinks and reds, greys, and off-whites. 

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Light Summer Color Palette

woman in summer cloths - Summer Color Analysis

The Light Summer color palette is characterized by lightness and coolness, with colors that are overall light in value to complement the appearance of a Light Summer. The palette contains medium-saturated, coolish colors such as light pinks and delicate blue-greens. There are no harsh contrasts between the colors, only subtle nuances. 

Light Summer is the brightest and least faded season of the Summer family, with colors that have the typical coolness of Summer but also some of the warmth of Spring. Suitable colors for light summer include cool greys, pinks, greens, teals, and blues.

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Deep Summer Color Palette

woman enjoying the view - Summer Color Analysis

Deep Summer, a subset of the Summer color palette, represents the coolest end of the spectrum with colors that lean towards Winter tones. Burgundy, navy, raspberry pinks, and amethyst pinks are some of the best colors for Deep Summers. These shades complement the cool undertones of Deep Summer individuals and enhance their natural beauty.

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