30+ Dermatologist-Approved Tips On How To Clear Skin Effectively

woman applying fruit on face - How To Clear Skin

Are you tired of endless beauty tips and tricks to clear your skin? Finding the perfect routine or product can be daunting. In this guide, we explore how to naturally clear skin so you can enhance your beauty by using different tips.

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Table Of Contents

Why Is My Skin Not Clear?

woman worried about her skin - How To Clear Skin

1. Hormones

Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands, leading to clogged pores. This overproduction can result in acne breakouts and a lack of skin clarity. Hormonal changes are especially prevalent during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, which can all lead to an increase in sebum production.

2. Stress 

Stress can trigger hormonal changes in people prone to breakouts. When stress hormones are released into the body, this can result in increased oil production, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. Managing stress levels is essential in maintaining clear skin and preventing acne flare-ups.

3. Harsh Ingredient

Using products with harsh ingredients or ingredients that don’t agree with your skin can result in skin that is not clear. Some chemicals in skincare products can irritate the skin, causing redness, inflammation, and breakouts. Choosing gentle and suitable products for your skin type is essential to avoid these issues.

4. Dirty Makeup Brushes

Not washing your makeup brushes can lead to unclear skin. Dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria that can be linked to breakouts. By not cleaning your makeup brushes regularly, you transfer bacteria onto your skin every time you apply makeup, leading to acne breakouts and other skin issues.

5. Using Too Many Products

Using too many skincare products can actually hinder your quest for clear skin. Finding the right balance of products with active ingredients that work well for your skin is important. Too many products can overwhelm your skin, causing irritation, redness, and breakouts. Stick to a simple beauty regime that works for you to maintain clear and healthy skin.

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How To Clear Skin In 7 Days

woman soaking in sunshine - How To Clear Skin

1. Good Skin Starts With Good Habits

Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing are the first steps in establishing a good skincare routine. Cleansing helps remove oil, dirt, and dust, ensuring your pores remain clear. Toning eliminates any leftover residue on your skin. Moisturizing is crucial for all skin types as it maintains oil balance, prevents water loss, and suppresses your skin.

2. Eat Beauty-fully

Healthy eating habits significantly impact your skin's health. Drinking water and consuming nutritious foods keep your skin hydrated and glowing from the inside out. Remember to regularly cleanse, tone, and moisturize to prevent pore blockage and skin issues.

3. Add In Exfoliation

Exfoliation is essential for removing dead skin cells and improving product absorption. After cleansing, use a gentle exfoliator suitable for your skin type. Avoid over-exfoliating, and follow with toner and moisturizer for a complete skincare routine.

4. Mask On, Mask Off

Integrating a mask into your weekly routine helps remove impurities and nourish your skin. After exfoliation, continue your daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine, and maintain a healthy diet and water intake.

5. Sleep Your Way To Better Skin

Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health, including skin health. Ensure you get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night to promote skin rejuvenation and a radiant complexion.

6. Ready For Liftoff

A peel-off mask on day 6 reveals brighter and smoother skin by removing debris and impurities. This mask enhances hydration and overall skin appearance, complementing your regular skin care regimen.

7. Your Glow Has Landed

By day 7, your skin should look more radiant, softer, and smoother. Maintain daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing; exfoliate and use masks 1-2 times a week, and focus on living a healthy lifestyle to preserve glowing skin.

Find your Pretty and Archetype in Seconds for free with Glowup AI 

Glowup AI helps you find what pretty you are and your archetype. Here’s how Glowup works: 

1) Upload your photos, 

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 3) Learn about insights into your most attractive traits and get personalized tips to highlight your beauty. 

Glowup AI is your bespoke AI beauty guide, dedicated to helping you unlock your full aesthetic potential. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and enhancement with us. Find your pretty (ex., Bunny Pretty, Cat Pretty, Doe Pretty, Fox Pretty, etc.): Discover your archetype and lean in to highlight your beauty. Discover your best traits: 

Earn about your most desirable and attractive features; get Personalized Tips: Enhance your appearance with detailed advice catered to you. Find your pretty archetype in seconds for free with Glowup AI — download our free app on the App Store or Google Play.

15 Dermatologist-Approved Tips On How To Clear Skin

woman getting face massage - How To Clear Skin

1. Use GlowUp AI

Glowup AI helps you find what pretty you are and your archetype. Here’s how Glowup works: 

1.1. Upload your photos, 

1.2. Glowup AI will analyze your facial features, 

1.3. Learn about your most attractive traits and get personalized tips highlighting your beauty. 

Glowup AI is your bespoke AI beauty guide, dedicated to helping you unlock your full aesthetic potential. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and enhancement with us. Find your pretty (ex., Bunny Pretty, Cat Pretty, Doe Pretty, Fox Pretty, etc.): Discover your archetype and lean in to highlight your beauty. Discover your best traits: 

Learn about your most desirable and attractive features; get Personalized Tips: Enhance your appearance with detailed advice catered to you. Find your pretty archetype in seconds for free with Glowup AI — download our free app on the App Store or Google Play.

2. Wash your face twice a day

If you’re prone to breakouts or have oily skin, don’t skimp on washing your face as part of your morning and evening skincare routine. In a study that focused specifically on face washing, participants were asked to wash their faces one, two, or four times a day for a six-week period. 

At the end of the study, there was a significant improvement in the acne lesions of those who washed their face twice daily. The participants who only washed their face once daily had the greatest increase in pimples.

3. Use a mild, foaming cleanser.

Dr. Kramemer recommends opting for a “foam cleanser with fruit acids, glycolic acid, or lactic acid,” especially if you have acne-prone skin. These ingredients will help gently flush dead skin cells from your face. You should take time washing your face, too: “Don’t just quickly rub it all over and rinse. “Massage the foam on with your fingers slowly and intentionally.

4. Apply an acne-fighting agent

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), many topical therapies can help fight acne. The key to finding the most effective one for you is knowing what type of acne you have. Depending on the type of acne, the AAD recommends the following: Comedonal acne (blackheads and similar bumps). Look for products that contain retinoids, like adapalene gel (Differin). 

Mild acne

Topical benzoyl peroxide can help fight mild acne alone or with a topical retinoid. 

Inflammatory acne

Topical dapsone 5 percent gel is recommended, particularly in adult females. 

Acne with scarring

Azelaic acid preparations can help reduce acne and the risks of acne scarring. 

If you want to target different types of acne simultaneously, the AAD recommends using a combination of benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, or adapalene gel. Using these treatments together may dry out your skin, so be sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

5. Try toner

If you think of toner only as something that will dry you out, it’s time to “shift (your) definition of what a toner is,” according to Dr. Shereene Idriss, a board-certified dermatologist and the founder of Idriss Dermatology. “In today’s day and age, toners come in all shapes and sizes,” she says. “Exfoliating toners, hydrating toners, and even toners deliver an extra boost of je ne sais quoi.”

6. Apply a moisturizer

How does a moisturizer help keep your skin clear? If your skin is excessively dry, it may try to compensate for it by overproducing oil. The result? Breakouts. Like cleansers, moisturizers don’t have to be expensive or filled with fancy ingredients. More importantly, look for a non-comedogenic moisturizer. 

This means it won’t clog your pores. If you have oily skin, moisturizers labeled “lightweight” may be best to prevent a heavy, greasy feeling. Some people have to switch to heavier moisturizers in winter when cold, dry air can leave the skin feeling tight and dried out.

7. Exfoliate

Exfoliation can help remove excess dead skin cells. If these cells stay on your skin for too long, they can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. A buildup of dead cells on your face may also make your skin look dull, flaky, or prematurely aged.

The following exfoliation methods may help clear away dry and dead skin: 

A 2 percent salicylic acid mask, 10 percent or less glycolic acid mask, lotion, or motorized facial brush. How often should you exfoliate? It really depends on the type of exfoliation you use. Aim for chemical exfoliants, like masks or lotions, once or twice weekly. 

For physical exfoliants, like scrubs or brushes, aim for three or four times a week. Start with fewer exfoliating sessions and work your way up to prevent over-exfoliating.

8. Worried about acne scars? Reach for retinol

Retinol, an over-the-counter retinol, is an “all-star nighttime ingredient to use,” Dr. Love says, because it “not only repairs and rejuvenates the skin, but also helps to fight acne and acne scars.” Bonus? It has anti-aging properties, too.

9. Look for a serum that contains niacinamide

If you struggle with acne, Dr. Debra Jaliman, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, recommends a serum that contains.

Both niacinamide and Vitamin C, like Olay Tone Perfecting Vitamin B3+ Vitamin C Serum. “So many people with acne have red and brown discoloration,” she says. “This product helps both. It also contains glycerin, so it’s hydrating.”

10. Get plenty of sleep

Not getting enough sleep may cause your skin to break out more often.

According to a 2015 study, more than 65 percent of the participants said they felt tired and had acne.

The authors theorized that a lack of sleep can sometimes cause the body to release inflammatory compounds. These compounds can cause the skin to break out or worsen acne. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to stay healthy inside and out.

11. Choose makeup that won’t clog your pores

A 2013 study found that cosmetics users are likelier to have skin breakouts. To ensure your makeup routine is skin-friendly, be sure to use products labeled “noncomedogenic” or “oil-free.” 

Always wash your hands before applying makeup or skin care products. Always remove your makeup before going to sleep or exercising. Wash makeup brushes and sponges every week. Makeup can cause its own form of acne that doctors call acne cosmeticaTrusted Source. This condition causes small, raised bumps that usually appear on the chin, cheeks, or forehead.

12. Don’t pick at your skin

Hard not to pick at a zit. But, for the health of your skin, it’s important to resist.

Picking or popping a zit exposes the pore to even more bacteria, including those from your hands. It also increases the risk of infection or scarring. If you have a pimple that really hurts, see a dermatologist. They can perform specialized treatments to eliminate the pimple while safely minimizing the risk of infection.

13. Keep tabs on your towels

Cross-contaminated towels are no complexion’s friend. Dr. Kramemer recommends keeping a few face-only towels on hand, not using them on other parts of the body, and definitely not sharing them. “Make sure that it's a white towel so it's easy to see when it's dirty,” she adds. Wash it every three or four days at a high temperature. Pat your face dry and avoid rubbing.”

14. Be mindful of your diet’s relationship to your skin

Dairy could, in part, be behind those breakouts, Dr. Jeffrey Hsu, MD, co-founder and co-director of Oak Dermatology, says. He pointed to studies showing the link between drinking cows’ milk and acne outbreaks.“Acne is often triggered by hormonal changes in our bodies,” he says. “Milk contains insulin-spiking hormone triggers that can lead to acne.”

Skim milk may be the bigger culprit: “Skim milk undergoes a process to remove the fat, and whey protein is added to give it a creamier, thicker consistency. These proteins are shown to cause acne, so while both whole and skim milk may affect the skin, skim milk can be worse.”

15. Go easy on the sugar

Although there’s limited research on the connection between your diet and your skin, several studies have shown that foods with a high glycemic index may be linked with acne. In a large study in 2009, more than 2,000 participants were placed on a low-glycemic diet. Not only did they lose weight, but 87 percent of the study’s participants also found they had less acne. 

91 percent said they needed less acne medication. To cut back on foods with a high glycemic index, try limiting processed carbs, like white bread and baked goods. Cut back on sugary sodas and sweets. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy protein sources. Limit alcohol consumption.

14. Don’t smoke

There’s a good deal of scientific evidence that links smoking with a higher risk of acne.

One study included women from 25 to 50 years of age who had acne. The authors of this study found that almost 73 percent of the participants who smoked had acne, 

While only 29.4 percent of the women who didn’t smoke had pimples or some other form of acne, if you need help with quitting tobacco, talk to your doctor about quit aids that may help.

15. Double check what’s in your hair products

If you’re doing everything right and “still struggling with breakouts on your face or back,” Dr. Alan J. Parks, MD, Founder of DermWarehouse, advises looking at the labels on your hair products. Certain ingredients in shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in treatments, including sulfates, can clog pores and irritate the skin. Try switching your products to a skin-safe hair brand like SEEN and see if that makes a difference in your skin.”

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How To Get Clear Skin Naturally At Home

woman applying make up - How To Clear Skin

1. Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is effective against acne and promotes clear skin. It also helps in faster wound healing. To use tea tree oil, you first need to dilute it with some carrier oil, for example, olive, coconut, or almond oil, and apply it to the skin. Also, avoid using tea tree oil if you are allergic to it. You can do an allergy test by first applying it to a small area.

2. Green Tea 

The extracts of green tea are helpful in the management of acne, thus helping to achieve clear skin. According to studies, skin lotions containing green tea extracts proved to be efficient in managing acne. You can make a green tea face mask using honey, green tea, and baking soda. Mix these ingredients to make a paste. You can apply this paste as a face mask to get clear skin.

3. Aloe Vera 

This herb can be used to manage acne, resulting in clear skin. Moreover, it helps soothe skin and clean up outbreaks. Aloe vera also helps to deal with inflammatory conditions like boils and cysts. You can apply aloe vera gel directly on your face by gently massaging it. Aloe vera gel can be added to your homemade face masks and packs.

4. Rosewater 

Rosewater is helpful in the management of acne and blackheads, thereby helping to attain clear skin. To use rosewater, take some in your palms and massage gently on the face. You can also gently use cotton to dab the rose water on the skin.

5. Walnut  

This herb is used to produce a great wash for various skin issues, including the worst cases of acne, thereby improving skin health and helping to obtain clear skin. You can use a walnut face mask and scrubs to make walnuts a part of your skincare routine. 

To make the walnut face mask, mix honey, besan (gram flour), and ground walnuts to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste to the face as a mask. To make a walnut scrub, grind some walnuts and add olive oil. Gently massage this scrub into your skin.

6. Orange Peel 

The juice and milk paste obtained from the orange peel are known to be effective in managing acne. Therefore, they help promote clear skin. You can use orange peel powder to make face packs. Mix orange peel powder and yogurt to make a paste. Apply this orange peel and yogurt face pack for clear and healthy skin.

7. Jojoba Oil 

This essential oil has been used to deal with acne and psoriasis, resulting in clear skin. Jojoba oil can be applied directly to the skin as a serum. But before using the oil, make sure you are not allergic to it by doing a patch test first. You can also put jojoba oil in other face packs to get clear and healthy skin.

8. Coriander 

Coriander oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thus, it helps manage acne, promoting healthy, clear skin. You can use freshly ground coriander leaves by mixing them with aloe vera gel. Apply it evenly on the face and massage gently for clearer skin.

9. Lavender 

The extracts obtained from lavender have been used to deal with acne and help obtain clear skin. Lavender oil can be applied to the skin after mixing with carrier oils like olive or coconut. Gently massage this mixture on the face to get clear skin. You can also use a cotton ball to gently dab it on the skin.

10. Lemon 

This fruit has been used for skin conditions like acne, warts, sunburns, and scars. Mix a small quantity of lemon juice with honey and apply it to the face. You can also put lemon juice in your face pack recipes. If you feel any irritation after using lemon juice, wash it immediately.

11. Neem 

A few neem leaves can be taken and crushed to get a paste. This paste can be applied on the face with acne to get clear skin. Making a neem face pack is easy. Start by boiling some neem leaves and orange peels. When they become soft, take them out. Grind them to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste to get clear skin.

12. Dietary Changes 

A poor diet that includes carbohydrates and sugars can sometimes lead to inflammation, redness, puffiness, and breakouts. To obtain glowing, clear skin, you can change to a diet that includes vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and fish. A diet consisting of tomatoes, spinach, salmon, and avocados contains various minerals and vitamins that help boost your skin health.

Discover Your Archetype and Find Out What Pretty You Are With Glowup AI

Glowup AI is an enhanced beauty tool that helps you discover and enhance your natural beauty. This section will explore its features and benefits and showcase how it can help you unlock your full aesthetic potential.

Discover Your Archetype

Glowup AI assists you in identifying your archetype based on your facial features. Whether you resonate with Bunny Pretty, Cat Pretty, Doe Pretty, or Fox Pretty, Glowup AI helps you find your unique beauty style. By understanding your archetype, you can learn how to highlight your best features effectively.

Identify Your Best Traits

By analyzing your facial attributes, Glowup AI identifies your most attractive traits. This feature is vital as it helps you understand what makes you uniquely beautiful. Glowup AI offers insights into your facial features, empowering you with knowledge to enhance your appearance.

Receive Personalized Tips

Glowup AI provides personalized beauty tips tailored to your unique facial features. These tips are designed to help you enhance your natural beauty and bring out your best features. Following these customized recommendations can elevate your beauty routine and achieve a stunning transformation.

Unlock Your Full Aesthetic Potential

With Glowup AI, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and enhancement. You can unlock your full aesthetic potential by embracing your archetype and learning how to highlight your beauty. Glowup AI is your bespoke AI beauty guide, dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of beauty and personal style.

Find Your Pretty with Glowup AI

If you want to discover your archetype and unleash your beauty potential, download the Glowup AI app today. You can find your pretty in seconds by uploading your photos and letting Glowup AI analyze your facial features. Say goodbye to beauty struggles and hello to a new level of confidence with Glowup AI.

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